Friday, January 17, 2025


CRISTONAUTAS is an equipping program in Lectio Divina for young people taking as its propelling force the New Evangelization, the Great Continental Mission and the diverse Information and Communication Technologies available.

CRISTONAUTAS is a program of the Ramón Pané Foundation, supported by various Catholic institutions.

Its objectictiv is to equip young leaders to teach other youth how to pray using the Lectio Divina method by creative means, utilizing the arts and technology as means to communicate the message of the Word of God.

All means are used with the end of communicating the Word of God: music, painting, graffiti, theatre, dance, representations, videos, radio, and other current media. The pedagogy of the New Evangelization propels us with greater desire, new methods, and new expressions to be faithful to the mission of Teaching them the fullness of the Word of God that is always up to date, always alive and always efficacious.

This ancient method that our Tradition has left is to read the text in its context and without pretexts is always based on the written Word of God and according to the official translations of the Catholic Church.

We seek to give our support to all missionaries that work to present the One Word of God, guarded by the Catholic Church. We especially seek to support the younger generations and in their cultural languages.
